Workers' Compensation Plans
(Your Policy)
Coastal HR has developed a Master Workers' Compensation Program giving each client company its own policy managed by Coastal HR.
No Deposit Premium or Down Payment eliminating upfront cash requirements
Coastal HR audits monthly premium for Audit purposes - The client company sees no year end Audit
'Pay As You Go' by calculating Workers' Compensation premium payments with each payroll, overpayments and underpayments are virtually eliminated. Premiums are based on actual, not estimated payroll data. This can improve company cash flow since premiums are spread out over each pay period. Coastal HR will administer premium payments for your carrier, This program diminishes the burden of writing separate checks to the carrier and also decreases the risk of late payment policy cancellations.
Commercial Insurance
Coastal partners with leading insurance agencies in our area to provide you with competitive quotes on all phases of commercial insurance as needed to include:
Risk Management
Let our experienced Risk Managers help you:
Evaluation of Existing Coverage(s)
Competitive Alternative Quotes Available
Insurance Policy Evaluation and Consultation